Two separate bodies of work I exhibited in the Diploma and Degree Show 2017, to mark the completion of study for my Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours qualification. Disorder (Top) Inspired by previous work, this series was created around the concept that not all disabilities are visual. Figure 1 – Deliberate blur to simulate an absence seizure, torn to represent a sudden flinching or jerking motion. Figure 2 – An aura, a warning symptom, disrupting one’s field of vision and concentration. Figure 3 – A single jigsaw piece, associated with autism spectrum disorder to represent complexity and diversity. Figure 4 – Black spirograph patterns conveying common symptoms; poor concentration, stress, and irritability. Putting on Your Best Face (Bottom) This mixed media body of work aims to convey the effects digital manipulation has on contemporary portraiture. Advancements in software and processing has allowed invention and exploration of innovative and up to date technology. There are now numerous editing suites and smartphone applications used to manipulate photographs, many advertising the improvement or perfection of our photography. The contrast between the original, plain portraits and the retouched, glossy magazine clippings express the possibilities that can be achieved using this technology. *Project contains exhibition layout, working rationale and original scans (Putting on Your Best Face). Additional images (Disorder) to be added at a later date.*